
How to Sugar Wax at Home Like a Pro
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Horror stories from your besties about their waxing experiences may turn you off to the idea of any sort of wax appointment. But, hear me out, waxing is not as scary as it seems! With ...
Botox for Migraines May Be the Chronic Headache S
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Apparently botox isn't just for looks anymore. Researchers have discovered a few medical uses for botox that are incredibly impactful; namely, botox for migraines. Contents 1. Dealing ...
Shocking Kombucha Health Benefits (Including Clea
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Kombucha is a term everyone should have at least heard about by now. Whether you have heard someone expressing their infatuation with kombucha or you’ve tried it yourself, it is starti...
Fighting Angry Skin Moods with Anti-Inflammatory
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Before you go and spend tons of money on skincare products to brighten your skin, fight acne, reduce wrinkles etc, you might want to look into switching up your diet and buying some an...
Benefits of Journaling by The Numbers
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Journaling is not just for angsty teens. The benefits of journaling go far deeper than you might think. Taking a few minutes everyday to write down your thoughts is incredibly benefici...
If You Read One Article About Stress and Gut Heal
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If you have ever “gotten butterflies” from seeing a special person, or had a “gut-wrenching” feeling from a sad event or “felt nauseous” before an important meeting you know that the b...
Myth Busted: Is Drinking Room Temperature Water B
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Water is a necessity for life; without it, humans can only survive for two to three days at best. When it comes to survival we really can't be picky about water temperature. But if you...
Crafting a Bedtime Yoga Routine to Help Catch Bet
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In order to practice yoga for sleep, you don't need to memorize complex sequences or be able to contort your body into a pretzel. You don't even need to be particularly athletic or fle...
20 Signs of Burnout and How to Recharge
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We have all been there, drowning in responsibilities at work or at home. Whether it’s tight deadlines or home projects you are anxious to finish, it can be overwhelming. The buildup of...
20-Minute Workouts Anyone Can Fit in Their Day fo
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It is no secret that exercise is part of the trifecta of taking care of yourself. Diet, sleep, and exercise. Despite each being so vital to staying healthy, it is easy to fall behind i...
10 Makeup Remover Balms We Have Been Dying to Get
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Makeup remover balms have taken over the skincare industry, rivaling makeup remover wipes and even replacing them in many individuals' skincare rituals. They have transformed the makeu...
7 Signs of a Weak Immune System & What to Do Next
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Your immune system is your body’s #1 defense against sickness, so obviously, if you have a weak immune system, you want to find ways to support it and keep yourself healthy! We have bo...