
Self-Care Guide: How to Find a Therapist
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Are you feeling anxious? Overwhelmed? Are you feeling nothing at all? Or are you not sure what it is that you’re feeling? Any of these thoughts and emotions could be a good indication ...
What We Learned From Paris Fashion Week 2022
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Paris Fashion Week, the ultimate place for fashion-lovers and fashion designers. Every year the hottest trends, models, designers, and celebrities come together to celebrate fashion’s ...
The Science-Backed Benefits of Fasting Broken Down
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The world of health and wellness has unfortunately been hijacked by frauds, fads, and far-fetched ideals. In a culture that is notorious for constantly evolving “health trends,” it can...
I Tried Rare Beauty and Never Looked Back
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There have been hundreds of new makeup releases in the last year, and there have been some products that have stood out. But, it’s very difficult for an entire brand to stick out to me...
Mirra's A to Z Guide to Clean Beauty Brands
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We’ve created an a to z guide to clean beauty brands because in today’s age we hear the term “clean beauty” thrown around like nobody’s business. Everyone is hopping aboard the clean b...
The Benefits of Ice Rolling Everyone’s Talking Ab
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Lately, you might have seen a ton of your favorite beauty influencers on Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok rolling an icy face roller on their faces. There are a ton of different products ...
Believe It or Not, Your Food and Mood are Linked
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There is no denying that our brains work hard. I mean hard. Even while we sleep peacefully through the night, our brains are awake, ensuring that we stay alive and functioning. Thus, i...
Influencer Spotlight: How Michelle Phan Built Her
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If you were anything like me growing up, you YouTubed every makeup look, every trending hairstyle, and everything beauty!! You also probably would recognize the beauty guru pioneer - M...
Taking Care of Yourself Goes Beyond Self Care Sun
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The phrase “self care” has turned into a buzz word defining taking care of yourself to practically anything. And yes, I mean anything! From re-organizing one's fridge with acrylic cont...
How To Achieve Natural and Effortless Feather Bro
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Eyebrows are everything. It’s no secret that they completely shape your face and have the power to completely change your look depending on which method you use to do them. Every few y...
Caring for Different Hair Types: Which Hair Categ
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Hair is a huge part of our everyday self-care routine. But just like we all have different skin types, we also have different hair types, which can make it difficult to know the best w...
The Best Glossier Products You Need and the Ones
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If there’s one brand that is completely and endlessly adored by both avid makeup enthusiasts and au natural beauty babes alike, it's Glossier. Founded in 2014, this overnight makeup an...