
Chronic Inflammation: Causes, Treatment, & Its Ef
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Let’s be real: could chronic skin irritation BE any more frustrating? *Chandler Bing voice*  For many of us, the answer is a resounding “hellllll NO🤬” - and, unfortunately, the presenc...
Ask a Vegan: Why is Vegan Beauty So Popular?
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In the age of the clean beauty uprising, Kristina Plummer of San Francisco, CA (pictured above)  has long been an advocate and strong voice within the vegan community. Through careful ...
How Long Does Makeup & Skincare Really Last?
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A product’s potency weakens from the moment it’s opened, so using expired skin care products won’t do you many favors. Also, longstanding bacteria buildup can contribute to angry skin mo...
A Closer Look: Ceramide Benefits for Skin
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Restoring moisture-stripped skin is difficult, especially without the right assistance. Could ceramide cream and cleansers be the answer to your weathered woes?  Moisturizers and hydr...
What Are Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals In Beauty
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While more and more cosmetic companies shift towards ~chemical consciousness~, the story behind this industry-wide movement is still...
Black Beauty Matters
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Like so many of you, all of us at Mirra have been trying to process the vicious act of brutality against George Floyd along with the senseless murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, a...
Your Guide to Cleansing for Every Skin Mood 
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Listen to your heart - er, complexion.                        When a stubborn skin mood appears (heyyy, Monday morning acne) it can be incredibly frustrating, to say the least.  Instinc...
Do You Really Need An Eye Cream?
When it comes to our individual skincare rituals, most of us have it down to a science. Maybe it’s a gentle, nourishing soap + splash of water, or a more involved, three layer, face-to-...
Wear & Tear: Restoring Dry, Cracked Hands During
“Love on Top”, “Truth Hurts”, and “Jolene”: what do these three songs have in common?  For starters, all three can, should be, found on any good power-playlist, let’s get that right. ...
Homegrown Skincare: DIYs to Make the Days Go By
When most of us think of purchasing skincare products, we think $$.  Every year, luxury cosmetic brands make a fortune selling various “must have” items, claiming that they’ll help us a...
7 Ways To Manage Quarantine Anxiety
If we as a society have learned anything over the past few weeks, it’s that our very way of life can disappear in an instant.  Regardless of how differently the Coronavirus pandemic, or...