
Does Coffee Cause Acne? Caffeine to Wake Up or We
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  “Do you like drinking coffee?”  As Lorelai Gilmore once said, “Only with my oxygen.” via GIPHY Coffee is love, coffee is life. I dare say that coffee is America’s national beve...
Psychodermatology: Skincare's Hidden Nemesis
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The key to less flare-ups may lie in how well you  nurture your mental health. __________________  It’s no secret that life can feel like a literal dumpster fire (#2020). Maybe you’re...
Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits Uncovered: ACV for H
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  When it comes to showing my skin and body some love, opting for natural remedies when I can get my hands on them is a big plus. That’s why I’ve been looking into apple cider vinegar,...
It Does What? Your Guide to Acne Face Map
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Acne. Just this word alone can bring flooding thoughts of frustration. We all need a little more self-love... If you’re like me, you might’ve first started getting acne in middle school...
Why Instagram Filters are Hurting Our Confidence
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Tear off the mask. Your face is glorious. - Rumi Instagram connects 500 million people to information, entertainment, and close - or not so close - friends. In times of crisis during t...
Say No to Yo-Yo: How to Safely Diet for Healthy S
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Hint: it doesn’t involve “accountability coaches” or chugging shakes.  For the last few decades, there have been a slew of "miracle" fad diets promising your best body/hair/skin/pinky...
Are You Allergic to Your Personal Care?
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Knowing when to quit is important. In skincare, knowing when a product is no longer working for, but against you can also prevent skin-damaging consequences.  We’ve all done it: a new...
What Do We Know About Vitiligo?
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Raise your hand if you’ve been #blessed with all the colors of the wind on your skin🙋🏽‍♀️ Or, maybe, “raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like an outcast because of your skin’s appear...
Psoriasis: Going Skin-Deep
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The words “big” and “itches” come to mind.  Psoriasis: giving us the wrong kind of thick skin since forever. Trying to pinpoint the right approach to this complicated condition is no e...
I Tried Fenty Skin For a Month - Here’s What Happ
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It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, and in the end: I HAVE THE RECEIPTS.  Rihanna: Queen, icon, mogul. Need we say more?  In yet another highly anticipated launch f...
PSA: Your Vitamins Might Be Full of Sh*t
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To most, “wellness” means nurturing physical & mental health, better food choices and taking an array of vitamins and supplements. But are these vitamins really helping?  With a cas...
Stress-Reducing Adaptogens to Help You Survive 20
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Low energy, high anxiety and lackluster skin - sometimes it feels like the Look of the Year is “stressed tf out”-chic. With two months to go until the election and ?? months until the p...