
Are Plant-Based Diets Worth it?
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If you happen to be on foodie TikTok like me, it is pretty evident that the popularity of plant-based recipes and videos has pretty much taken over the internet. But whether it be for ...
Emerging Skincare: Is Potenza Microneedling the N
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Aesthetic and medical treatment producer Cynosure unveiled their FDA-approved Potenza Microneedling device in 2020. After being on the market for about a year, Kim Kardashian shone a s...
Your Nail Salon Guide: Dip vs Acrylic
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If you’ve stepped into a nail salon before, you’ve probably caught onto the fact that dip and acrylic manicures are two of the most popular processes you can find. Despite both nails l...
8 DIY Lip Scrubs to Soothe Dry, Cracked Lips
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Experiencing dry, flaky, and cracked lips? You’re not alone. Especially during those winter months, sandpaper lips are pretty much inevitable. Sure, lip balm comes in handy, but a bad ...
One-stop Shop for Balancing Hormones with Diet an
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When your hormones are imbalanced, basically any symptom could be a result and a single hormone may be hard to pinpoint. For example, fatigue could be due to a lack of endorphins or gl...
Everything You Need To Know About Estrogen Domina
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Hormones play a major role in everyone’s lives. When it comes to our day-to-day bodily functions, hormones dictate sleep, appetite, stress, and libido just to name a few. However, unde...
10 Healthy Smoothie Recipes to Increase Micronutr
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Who doesn’t love a refreshing smoothie? Not only are they delicious, but healthy smoothie recipes are one of the most popular choices in terms of healthy wellness trends. Smoothies are...
Back To School: A Lesson on Self-Care Routines
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Recently there has been a huge focus on self-care, with it trending in the media and influencers endorsing it. Self-care routines vary for every individual, based on what they subjecti...
Why You Should Care About the Anatomy of the Skin
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When it comes to the anatomy of the skin, one fun fact you should definitely know is that the skin is a big deal. Literally. The skin is the largest organ in the body and is responsibl...
Breaking The Stigma Around Stretch Marks On Thigh
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Stretch marks are just one of those weird parts of life that don’t matter but also for some reason matter a lot. Stretch marks on thighs in particular are a “girl's worst nightmare.” I...
Infused Water Benefits You Do Not Want to Miss
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One of life’s universal truths is that drinking water is an important key to staying healthy. In fact, it’s recommended that an individual drink at least eight cups of water each day t...
Is There Such a Thing As Too Much Protein?
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We spend a lot of time talking about the wacked out food pyramid and looking at energy and macros, but is there such a thing as too much protein? Contents 1. What does protein do? 2. H...