
Happy Girl Summer: How Can I Increase My Happy Ho
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Hormones are chemicals that are produced by various glands throughout your body. They circulate in the bloodstream, acting as messengers and contributing to a variety of biological fun...
Wellness Watch: Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms You S
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Wheat, rice, and maize are the three most widely consumed grains on the planet. These foods, while not very nutrient dense, are high in starch which is crucial to feeding the world's g...
What You Don't Know About Low Sex Drive and What'
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I’m pretty sure my mom envisioned me to be a doctor. Instead, here I am talking about low sex drive. I think it’s close enough for someone who is notoriously bad at STEM. Sex drive, li...
Why Do I Keep Getting UTIs?
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If you're reading this and earnestly looking for an answer, I am so sorry you have had to deal with this. UTI’s are incredibly common and simultaneously incredibly awful. UTIs are the ...
8 Stress Management Techniques for All Year Round
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Let’s be real, adulting is hard. One minute you feel like you are on top of the world and the next you feel like you can hardly catch a break from the stress of it all. Work, school, r...
8 Healthy Sleep Habits That Can Work Wonders in H
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Without sleep, we would be walking zombies, and that is no exaggeration. The brain cannot function properly without enough sleep which spirals into a million undesirable health consequ...
Chronic Pain Management to Make It Go Away!
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You probably know someone who suffers from it, or you suffer from it yourself, but chronic pain is no joke for those afflicted. With over 50 million Americans living with chronic pain ...
What is Acupressure? Mats, Massages, & More!
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Acu what? Not acupuncture, acuPRESSURE. You may immediately group these words as one and the same, but they are two different terms with different functions. Surprisingly, acupuncture ...
Guide to Thyroid Health and What Vitamins Support
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We’ve all heard about the thyroid and the many struggles people experience with it. Around the world, just about 200 million people struggle with their thyroid health daily. So what is...
Testing for a Vitamin Deficiency Could be Your Mi
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If you're frustrated that your dedication to a well rounded, vitamin rich diet is still leaving you feeling less than perky, it's probably because your body can't absorb all the amazin...
What is Butyrate for Gut Health?
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Living in our stomachs are a myriad of bacteria, yeasts and other microscopic organisms, this combination of all creatures is known as the microbiome. Each person has a unique microbio...
Are Naps Good For You? We're Tackling the Age Old
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Sleep. Something that begins to feel increasingly precious as each year passes. We look forward to that moment when we can complete our night routine, get in our pajamas, and rest our ...