
Smelly Pits? Let's Talk About It.
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Photo Source: Billie  Ever been at an airport or supermarket and a certain smell brought you right back to to that time you had a crush on that cutie in third grade? The power of smell ...
How To Treat Yo' Lady V: What She Likes And What
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As ladies, we don’t talk enough about what’s goin’ on “below the belt.” Why shouldn’t we feel free to express and chat proudly about our ‘fur’ down there? Because after all, it is dutif...
How To Get Rid Of Dark Circles Under Your Eyes
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 Photocredit: @jamienelson6 Think those dark circles under your eyes are because you’re overworked, underpaid and tired? They’re a pesky reminder for many of us that a good nights sleep...
Reading Between The Lines: How To Decode a Skinca
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Illustration by Dermstore Lines? Lines on my forehead? Nope—the lines of text on your skincare label! Even for those of us who are self-proclaimed experts, reading and understanding ski...
Calling My Tampon Tribe: Lets Talk CBD
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It’s funny, because the phrase, “my time of the month ”sounds like it should be a wonderful and super exciting span of time where it is “our time to shine” and the world is fully our oy...
9 Blackhead Myths You Should Stop Believing In
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Photo by Jean-Baptiste Mondino  If those tiny black dots scattered across your nose look like vast and unfathomable black holes to you, you’re standing too close to the mirror. To get r...
Celery Juice: Nature's ‘Edible’ Skin Detoxifier a
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I get it. You don’t often walk into the grocery store craving celery. It is overlooked as it sits on the shelves, not getting too much attention...until now. Let me let you in on a some...
We're Calling Bullshit on All Fragrance, Even Nat
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Fragrance in skincare is stinky business, my friends. It’s confusing thanks to a myriad of misleading marketing terms and misinformation. And it’s everywhere — from our skincare to our ...
Clearing the Air: The Truth about Air Pollution’s
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You’ve heard it from your mom at the beach, and you’ve heard it here at Mirra: sun damage is bad. Not much room for debate on this one. But we’ve got news for you dear readers: there’s ...
These Foods Help Fight Aging, According to Science
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For some, the signs of skin aging are celebrated imprints of the fun, work, sweat and tears put into this life. Every damn wrinkle earned its place, thankyouverymuch. Others are wonderi...
Acne Free Diet Plan: What Foods To Eat And What F
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At the intersection of skincare and health is a four-letter word that makes me cringe: diet. In the interest of full disclosure, the only diet I adhere to with any consistency is calori...
Instagram Model Turns Her Vitiligo Into Body Art
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With over 155k followers, Ash Soto has taken her vitiligo and turned her body into a work of art. After her diagnosis, Ash struggled to come to terms with her new body, and ended up fin...