
Ingredient Spotlight: Glutathione 
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Glutathione is vital to our life. No, not gluten. Glu - ta - thi - one. It's right inside your cells, yet you probably don't even know what it is or what it does. Contents 1. What is i...
Your Skin and Your Period Cycle Are Intertwined 
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As if being bloated, crampy, and grumpy wasn't enough, periods are also often accompanied by period acne. In fact, 65 percent of women say that their acne gets worse during their perio...
Should I Wear Sunscreen Everyday in the Winter?
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Wearing sunscreen while laying out by the pool or the beach in the summer is a given. However, when the sun still shines in the winter, it might lead you to ask the question: should I ...
The Effects of Acne Go Beyond the Skin
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When your body is going through changes, it can be one of the most vulnerable points of your life. More specifically, changes in our body can have a significant effect on more than jus...
Why Mom Was Right About the Benefits of Vitamin A
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Growing up, I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying that “carrots will help you see in the dark.” While this myth isn’t *entirely* true, carrots (namely, the vitamin A in the carrots) does...
How to Find the Right Face Wash for Your Skin
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The one common denominator we all have in a skincare routine is face wash…or at least I’d hope everyone is washing their face everyday. Cleanser is probably the number one staple item ...
What is an Emollient?
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Now that it’s winter and the air is getting drier, our skin is getting drier as well. And you’re putting on thick layers of moisturizer every single day and night yet your skin still a...
Signs of Vitamin Deficiency You May Be Overlooking
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The intricate workings of the human body rely on the triangle of health: nutrition, sleep, and exercise. That triangle, especially nutrition, is what enables our body to sustain itself...
15 Inflammatory Foods to Avoid and Here’s Why
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Inflammation is our immune system’s natural response to anything and everything that causes unnecessary problems in our bodies. While seemingly disruptive, when it comes to something t...
Skincare Ingredients That Help Treat Acne Scars
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Finding the right ingredients to treat your acne will likely make you feel as if you’ve won the battle. However, struggling to treat acne scars on the other hand can have you frustrate...
The Benefits of Reflexology For Stress and Sleep
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Reflexology is a simple technique that you can practice and tailor to your body. There are virtually no risks, and the wide ranging health benefits of reflexology might be the thing yo...
Winter Skincare Tips to Avoid Dry Skin
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It’s December! Cue the cold weather, hot chocolate, fireplace, and snuggles underneath cozy blankets. Those are just a few of my favorite things about the winter and I like to keep tho...