Is Washing Your Face With Distilled Water Better For Your Skin?

Photo by Becky Fantham on Unsplash
Washing our face is probably the main step in almost everyone’s skincare routine. It’s an essential part of keeping our skin looking and feeling clean, and it’s kind of hard to mess up. But there has been speculation in the past that washing your face with distilled water could be beneficial to your skin’s health and appearance. Is there any truth to this claim?
1. Is washing your face with distilled water better for your skin?
3. Products to help with water quality
Key Points
- Washing your face with distilled water is actually better for your skin. It contains less hard minerals and contaminants and therefore poses less risk of irritation, dryness, and breakouts.
- The easiest way to make the switch to filtered sink or shower water is by attaching a water filter. If you want a more permanent solution, replace your pipes with copper pipes.
Is washing your face with distilled water better for your skin?
This was a question that I avoided for years because I simply could not fathom the idea that water was any worse for you if it came from the sink versus a water bottle. But alas, the rumors are true; washing your face with distilled water is in fact better, and washing your face with sink water or tap water could most definitely be damaging your skin.
First, let's break down the difference between distilled water and tap water. While all water is made up of the same molecules, two hydrogen and one oxygen, water generally always has some trace amounts of minerals, bacteria, pesticides, and other contaminants.
Now, this doesn’t mean that you need to be grossed out or alarmed. Trace amounts of certain minerals and bacteria are totally normal and your body is immune to them. However, the process of distilling is designed to rid water of those impurities giving you more “pure” water.
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When the distillation process is properly done, it gets rid of 99.9% of those impurities and minerals that are naturally occurring in tap water. Because of this, many scientists and researchers believe that distilled water is better for you. This has to do with pH levels.
The pH scale is used to measure the acidity or alkalinity of a water-soluble substance (aka your skin). Naturally, your skin’s pH level falls around a 5 or slightly below, meaning it is mildly acidic. The pH of tap water is typically 8.5, whereas the pH of distilled water is 7.
While this difference in pH is typically fine for drinking, it could be the reason your skin is breaking out, excessively dry, and irritated. It could also play a part in the worsening of skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis.
Filtered water for the win
The thing about filtered water is it’s not just beneficial in terms of our skin. It’s beneficial to drink, shower or bathe in, and use in cooking. Unfiltered water is sometimes referred to as “hard water” meaning it contains more calcium and other minerals, such as magnesium and iron, than usual. Filtered water doesn’t contain all of those harsh minerals and bacteria.
Via Giphy
Although sink water and shower or bath water typically come from the same source, experts say that (weirdly) sink water is sometimes harder, meaning it contains even more minerals and contaminants than the unfiltered water from your shower or bath. Because of this, many people purchase water filters for their sinks and leave their shower head or bath faucet untouched.
Deciding whether or not to attach a hard water filter to your shower head or bath faucet depends on your budget and concerns. If you are somebody that struggles with body acne whether it’s on the chest, back, neck, or other places, investing in a water filter for your shower may be beneficial for your skin. Likewise, if you are experiencing scalp and hair issues that you just can't seem to fix, try changing your water source.
Products to help with water quality
In 2022 there are thousands of products and gadgets available to help improve the quality of our tap water whether it’s coming from our sinks showers or baths. The most full-proof way to achieve better quality water is to replace old plumbing in your home. By replacing old pipes with new copper pipes, you eliminate or at least lessen the percentage of lead that contaminates your water. Obviously, this process is not the most affordable option and certainly not the quickest or most widely accessible.
Because so many people cannot afford to or don’t have the time to entirely replace their piping, many companies have come out with water filters that are able to attach to sinks, shower heads, and bath faucets.
Via Giphy
These are not necessarily the most attractive fixes because they are quite bulky and definitely are not aesthetically pleasing, but they get the job done in less time and with lower costs. There are water filter attachments that fit almost any size and shape sink faucet and shower head, and they are fairly easy to attach.
Once attached, the average lifetime of these filters is around 6 months. After 6 months, it’s recommended to replace the filter to ensure it performs to the best of its ability. You can find water filters online or in hardware stores for sometimes less than $30. If you want to make the larger investment, check out the Berkey shower filter system to improve the alkalinity of your water, in turn giving you healthier skin and hair.
While many of us may not think twice about the water that comes out of our sink or our shower head, the truth is, it’s not pure water. This doesn’t mean that you’re going to get immediately sick, but it can be a contributing factor to skin and hair health. If you have sensitive skin or suffer from certain skin or hair conditions, it may be best to invest in a water filter and see if you experience any results. It’s a lifestyle switch that can benefit everyone and can hurt no one. Our new motto for 2022 is "filtered water for the win!"
Written by Jordan Hammaren
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