
Daily Habits That Can Help Reduce Inflammation

Daily Habits That Can Help Reduce Inflammation I Mirra Skincare

Consider cutting your thumb while cooking or scraping your knee from falling on a bike. For a few days, the damaged region may remain red and swollen, that's acute inflammation (the good type!) at work, battling germs and aiding in the healing of an injury. But when your body isn't fighting germs, keeping up healthy habits will reduce inflammation that is a signal of your body's imbalance.


1. Add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet

2. Get more quality sleep 

3. Rethink your beverage choices 

4. Add supplements to your routine

5. Good vibes only/ Remove stressful people

6. Move for 30 minutes

7. Breathe, but mindfully

8. Final Thoughts

Key Points

  • Chronic inflammation in the body leads to cancer and heart disease
  • Your outside environment adds to chronic inflammation
  • Just breathing mindfully can be an inflammation reducing habit 

These habits fight another type of inflammation, chronic inflammation, that has been related to significant health issues such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Although scientists aren't sure why, some evidence shows that persistent inflammation impairs the immune system's ability to operate and causes cancer cells to multiply more easily. Here are some potential habits you could add to your life to reduce inflammation and help you feel your best.

Add anti-inflammatory foods to your diet

What you consume, regardless of your weight, can influence how your body handles inflammation. Consumption of processed and red meat, dairy, carbohydrates as well as high amounts of added sugar, have been related to increased inflammation, whereas fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and spices such as ginger and turmeric have been linked to decreased inflammation. You don't have to abstain from dessert and burgers for the rest of your life. But small positive changes may work wonders.

Try a small quantity of dark chocolate to satiate your sweet appetite instead of a full dessert. Make red-meat dinners a weekly rather than everyday occurrence, or try reducing red meat consumption by enhancing recipes with additional vegetables. There are many small changes that you can make to your diet to reduce inflammation. These changes are likely to improve your energy levels, immune system and your skin health too.

Get more quality sleep

While you're sleeping, your body is hard at work mending itself in various ways, one key function is to reduce inflammation. A meta-analysis of many research studies discovered that persons who had sleep problems and slept for shorter periods of time had higher levels of inflammatory biomarkers. Every cell in your body has an internal clock, also known as a circadian rhythm, that helps regulate everything from when we are sleepy to when we are hungry. If you don't follow these cells' normal circadian cycle, they're more prone to produce errors that lead to cancer, autoimmune illness, and other issues.

Pro Tip: To obtain better sleep, consider keeping to a consistent sleep pattern. Try to go to bed and wake up around the same time and aim for seven to nine hours of sleep per night, too much sleep or not enough can each cause negative health effects. Maintaining a cool and dark atmosphere in your bedroom, red light has also been shown to aid in quality sleep. Also, try to avoid using your phone or computer at least an hour before going to bed. The blue light generated by these gadgets may interfere with melatonin synthesis, making it more difficult to sleep. 

Rethink your beverage choices

We all know that water is the best beverage for keeping our bodies functioning at its most efficient level. Staying hydrated is critical to the health of all of our cells and is a main player in the goal to reduce inflammation. However, green tea, matcha, apple cider vinegar, turmeric, and kombucha have all been found to decrease inflammation associated with her chronic disease.

These beverages should be in addition to an appropriate amount of water. Also, alcohol should be limited, while a single glass of wine seems to have anti-inflammatory properties, more than one will have the opposite effect. 

Add supplements to your routine

Natural anti-inflammatory substances have been utilized for hundreds of years to moderate the inflammatory process, typically with fewer adverse effects. Some supplements that have been proven to reduce inflammation are: 

  • Omega 3 EFAs (fish oil)
  • White willow bark
  • Turmeric
  • Maritime pine bark
  • Resveratrol
  • B-vitamins 

Good vibes only/ Remove stressful people

This habit might not seem like it has a direct link to reducing inflammation. However, stress is known to increase cortisol levels and inflammation within the body. Many times, it is other people and situations that cause us to feel stress. Reducing the amount of interaction that we have with a potential stressor could be a huge way to reduce inflammation that you didn’t even think about. It is important to remember that our surroundings have an impact on our health. 

Move for 30 minutes

Exercise has a plethora of advantages, one of which is the ability to reduce inflammation. One probable explanation is that when your muscles contract, your immune cells produce an anti-inflammatory cytokine. Most people consider exercise frequency in terms of days per week. What matters more is how frequently you move during the day. Getting 30 minutes of light exercise per day has been shown to lengthen life expectancy. 

Breathe, but mindfully

Yoga is more than simply physical postures. Pranayama are particular yogic breathing practices used in the ancient discipline. Yoga breathing has demonstrated in studies to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and boost immunity. According to a new study, yoga breathing may also reduce stress-related inflammation in the body. This study, discovered that 20 minutes of yoga breathing reduced stress-related inflammatory markers in the saliva.

Final Thoughts

Overall, if you want to reduce inflammation in your body, there are many possible things that you could tweak in your schedule without feeling overwhelmed. The habits suggested here will not only aid in reducing inflammation but will also help you to feel healthier, less tired and less stressed on a daily basis. 

Daily Habits That Can Help Reduce Inflammation I Mirra Skincare

Written by Kiana St. Onge


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    1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3011108/
    2. https://bmccomplementmedtherapies.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12906-016-1286-7

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