
7 Incredible Tips for Your New Year's Eve Makeup Look

7 Incredible Tips for Your New Year's Eve Makeup Look Mirra Skincare

2020 has been a whirlwind year quite like no other. There have been many highs and lows during the socially distanced season and the new year couldn’t be more exciting.

The new year is all about starting ✨fresh✨. Luckily, one of the most creative and unique ways to reflect who you are and who you want to be is through makeup. Your New Year’s Eve makeup look is the perfect opportunity to end the year with a bang while also showing off who you want to be in the new year. Here are 7 incredible tips for your New Year’s Eve makeup look!

1. Find YOUR Inspo

Finding the right look for you can seem almost impossible with so many ideas in the beauty community. It is important to remember that makeup is a form of self-expression. How you do your makeup is never about concealing, but instead, showcasing who you are.

The best way to find your inspo is to look to who inspires you. Whether it be your favorite social media influencer or a close friend, see what you like! Pinterest is always a great tool to search for specific key terms and get ideas. Once you find the perfect look, color, and mood, everything will fall into place to kickstart your new year.

2. The Perfect Primer

Using a primer as a base for your beauty products is the first step in creating a lasting look. Your New Year’s Eve makeup look needs to last all night so setting the right base is just as important as the look itself. Makeup primer can be described as acting “double-sided tape” for your makeup and skin. Primers are not only nourishing to the skin but they create a strong base that holds makeup for a long period of time.

There are many different primers for different skin moods but the most common are those that are pore minimizing. A top pore minimizing primer is the Dermablend Poresaver. (1)

3. Pack the Powder

If you are going for a dramatic eyeshadow look, packing is key. Packing your eyeshadow is the best way to not only bring out eyeshadow colors, but keep it lasting all night. Using a tight brush is essentially how you pack eyeshadow.

A favorite packing brush is the Morphe E14 brush that has short, thicker hairs to capture all the eyeshadow tightly. Packing is mainly about pressing the pigmented colors onto your eyelid for a bold and lasting finish. If you are struggling to blend colors with a packing brush, try using a looser brush after you pack to touch up any harsh lines. 

7 Incredible Tips for Your New Year's Eve Makeup Look

4. Do the Most!

The holidays are a time for family, dessert, and of course, glitter! Don’t be afraid to go all out for your New Year’s Eve makeup look. Bright colors, glitters, and shimmers are the perfect additions to do the most this year. Some great statement colors to use are red, green, blue, and black. Pairing the eyeshadow or eyeliner colors with a silver or gold glitter can also be that extra step into the new year.

If glitter feels like too much, or you’re not ready for the commitment of taking off glitter, shimmer shadows are always a great alternative. Also, don’t be shy to extend these ideas past eye makeup. Adding a bold lip to your makeup look can mean bright colors and glitter glosses. Experiment with what makes you feel most confident and more importantly, have fun!

5. Setting Spray Savior

Setting your makeup look can be both refreshing and effective. Setting spray is the perfect product to lock in your look and keep it flawless all night. Setting spray is meant to prevent fading or smudging of makeup by using an alcohol-based mist to prolong its lifespan.

With tons of setting sprays out there for different skin moods, it is important to read the ingredients and find what is best for you. Another pro tip to making sure your New Year’s Eve makeup lasts longer, make sure none of your products are expired. Check out our article on how long makeup lasts for more info!

6. Stay Supplied

Although the night may seem like an all-day affair, your makeup can look fresh from beginning to end. Whether you are using a tiny clutch or a statement tote bag, pack your products! Staying supplied with some essential products from your New Year’s Eve makeup look can allow you to touch up wherever you are and keep the party going. Some top products to bring are your lipstick/lip gloss, eyeliner, face powder, and setting spray. These four products can take two minutes in the bathroom and yet make all the difference in your night. Travel lightly, stay supplied, and no one will be the wiser!

7. Take It Off!

New Year’s Eve can seem like a never-ending night. Even when the clock strikes 12, the party never ends. Especially if you decide to do the most for your New Year’s Eve makeup look, it is so important that you take off your makeup properly before bed. Makeup hygiene is so essential to maintaining clear skin no matter your skin mood.

General makeup wipes are extremely harsh on your skin and can cause redness so it is ideal to use a cotton pad with makeup removal oil or, if necessary, gentle and fragrance-free makeup wipes. Once you have removed your makeup, don’t stop there! Wash your face with a gentle cleanser and proceed with your daily skincare routine. Your skin will thank you in the morning!

All Night Long!

With all these makeup tips in mind, what is most important is enjoying the night that will start off your new year! Makeup is a great way to tie together any look, but especially on New Year’s Eve. Creating a standout look should showcase your uniqueness. Everything after that is just about celebrating and not worrying about any smudging!

Written by Daniela Rodriguez


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  1. https://www.makeup.com/makeup-tutorials/face/tutorial-how-to-apply-primer-like-a-pro
  2. https://www.byrdie.com/does-setting-spray-work

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