
How to Dermaplane at Home Like a Pro


How to Dermaplane at Home Like a Pro I Mirra Skincare

Sometimes you are sick of your skin. Maybe you just want to scrub it all off and start over. Well what if I told you that was an option, sort of. Once you learn how to dermaplane at home, you can give your skin the overhaul smoothing and exfoliation treatment it needs.


1. Benefits of Dermaplaning

2. How to Dermaplane at Home

3. Tips

4. Product Recommendations

5. Final Thoughts

Key Points

  • Dermaplaning is essentially shaving your face 
  • Dermaplaning removes the fine hairs and top layer of skin, which can trap debris and acne causing bacteria
  • Using a cleanser prior and a moisturizer post dermaplane is essential 

Dermaplaning is a non-invasive method in which a dermatologist or certified esthetician scrapes off vellus hair (commonly known as "peach fuzz") and a top layer of dead skin cells from the epidermis, the skin's top layer, using a small surgical scalpel. Dermaplaning is an excellent method for removing facial hair as well as exfoliating the skin.

This process gives the skin a more even appearance and is also commonly used to treat deep acne scars. It is comparable to shaving, however the instrument is more adapted to exfoliating the skin than a razor.

Dermaplaning is especially useful for those who have atopic dermatitis or hyperkeratosis, both of which are skin conditions characterized by an accumulation of dead cells. Dermaplaning is not recommended if you have sensitive skin, acne, active eczema, or other rashes. After a single treatment, substantial changes are observed, including moisture retention, which has a major influence on the structure and function of the skin, as well as its ability to retain moisture.

Benefits of Dermaplaning 

  • Exfoliation - Dermaplaning is a thorough exfoliation, it is able to remove dead outer skin cells and vellus hairs. Build up of these causes skin issues such as acne, redness and irritation.
  • Brighter complexion - Because dermaplaning eliminates a layer of dead skin that would otherwise give skin a drab appearance, skin appears radiant and rejuvenated after shaving.
  • Deeper product penetration - Facial hair frequently traps dirt and oil, forming a barrier between your skin and the products you use on top. By removing that layer, your skincare products may be able to penetrate deeper and so be more effective.

    How to Dermaplane at Home

    Typically dermaplaning is done by a trained professional using a surgical blade that you can only purchase with a license. However, you do not need to be a  dermatologist to learn how to dermaplane, and learn how to dermaplane at home. If you are planning on dermaplaning at home, you need three main items: a cleanser, a razor and a moisturizer.

    Once you have acquired these items it's time to learn how to dermaplane, here's the step by step:

    1. Wash your face - Use your favorite cleanser to prepare the skin. Wash your face with lukewarm water and a cream cleanser. Warm water helps to remove dirt from your skin, but hot water can be drying. Avoid using bar soap since it might change the pH of your skin, making it easier for germs to live. Cream cleansers are moisturizing, but if you wear a lot of makeup, you might choose a gel cleanser and/or makeup remover. 
    2. Dry your face - dab it with a towel instead of rubbing it; rubbing causes your skin to stretch and wrinkle.
    3. Pull the skin taut.
    4. Constantly glide the razor downwards in small strokes at a 45-degree angle against the skin. Begin at the top of the ear and work your way down, down to the jawline, and in towards the nose, to cover the entire cheek, jawline, chin, and upper lip. Then, using downward strokes, go to the sides of the face near the eyes, followed by the forehead.
    5. Finally, from the jawline, stroke the neck downward.
    6. Now that you are done with your razor, rinse your face with water and dry thoroughly 
    7.  Apply a moisturizer of your choosing. 


    You are only removing little hairs and the top most layer of the epidermis, this means, DO NOT apply too much pressure. Use small, light strokes, also avoid the hairline, the eyelids, and the sides of the nose.

    It is also important to remember that your skin is more susceptible to damage after a dermaplaning treatment so protecting it with things like sunscreen is a great idea. 

    Product Recommendations

    Dorco Tinkle dermaplaning razor - With over 80,000 reviews and a 4.6 rating, Tinkle razors appear to be one of the most popular and well liked dermaplaning tools available. The blades are made in Korea and come with a stainless steel safety cover attached to each blade to protect sensitive skin. The small blade makes it easy to shape your eyebrows or remove the fine hairs of the neck and face.

    Schick Hydro Silk Touch-Up Multipurpose Exfoliating Dermaplaning Tool - This comparable dermaplaning tool also has a 4.6 rating on Amazon with over 120,000 ratings. This dermaplaning tool is designed with fine micro guards on the blade to help protect skin. This pack also includes an extra attachment for precise eyebrow shaping.

    Finishing Touch Flawless Dermaplane Glo Lighted Facial Exfoliator - If you are looking for a slightly more eco-friendly option, this might be the option for you. With this dermaplaning tool you only need to replace the blades, and it comes with 6 extra to start. In addition to a safety guard, this design also features a small LED light to ensure that you get every last hair. 

    Final Thoughts 

    Hopefully you have learned how to dermaplane and have an idea of what tool you might want to try out. It is recommended that you get dermaplaning done by a professional initially if you are planning on trying it for yourself. Having someone else who knows exactly what they are doing can give you an example of the technique and how much pressure to apply. Best of luck!

    How to Dermaplane at Home Like a Pro I Mirra Skincare

    Written by Kiana St. Onge

    UP NEXT:

    A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Ingredients in Skincare

    Polyhydroxy Acids Are Here to Shake Up Your Exfoliation Routine


    1. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/dermaplaning#how-it-works 

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