What’s most intriguing about many current wellness trends is that many of them are deep-rooted in our history, traced along wellness practices of indigenous cultures that date as far back as ancient China. Turmeric for our favorite 'Golden Mylk’ recipe, dry-brushing to keep our skin glowing, Kombucha for probiotics and digestion, cleansing our space with Palo Santo and sage, crystals and cannabis for calm— these were all a part of wellness rituals that were claimed long before they began to trend on social media. I think it’s important to, in some way or another, honor these borrowed rituals as they’ve clearly had some sort of power to withstand the test of time. Like never before, we’ve seeing these ancient practices shape into no-brainer staples for helping us navigate this century and all its noise. We’re in the midsts of witnessing an exciting wave of acceptance and openness in terms of how we view healing. This is where I like to start the CBD conversation. It’s nothing new, just something we’re rediscovering and understanding more fully. If you’ve scrolled through Instagram lately, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a post from a wellness blogger that has created a post about CBD (or Cannabidiol) or have read a recent article touting its uses. Since founding Soul Addict I’ve made it my mission to begin educating people who are ‘canna-curious’, but aren’t sure where to start. Wherever you fall on the intrigued spectrum for CBD, I’m here to guide you as you navigate this plant-powered tool.
What is CBD?
CBD, otherwise known as cannabidiol, is a naturally-occurring component (referred to as a ‘cannabinoid’) of the Cannabis plant. CBD is just one of over
80 known cannabinoids found within the cannabis plant that are beginning to be
researched more and more for their medicinal properties. Many are describing CBD as all the benefits of cannabis- but without the high or the feeling of ‘being out of control’. From a historical perspective, it’s been used as a healing herb for centuries by women becoming everything from a breast salve for breastfeeding pain to easing cramps by making bath infusions.
Queen Elizabeth was supposedly even a fan.
Will it get me high?
No. The most exciting aspect of using CBD for wellness is that you will not experience the stereotypical ‘high’ feeling that is caused by THC (tetrahydrocannabinol—or THC) in cannabis.
How is this possible?
CBD can come from both the Marijuana and Hemp plant, which despite popular belief, are two different plants within the same species. In a more simple explanation, Hemp is naturally high in CBD and very low in psychoactive THC, while Marijuana is essentially the reverse.
How is it legal across all 50 states?
Whether you source CBD from hemp or marijuana, the CBD component is the same. The difference in whether or not you can sell the CBD across all 50 states depends on which plant your sourcing it from. In “non-legal” states, producers who operate CBD companies across the country must stay within .3% THC limit and must source CBD from Hemp. For instance, our products at
SA are sourced from organic hemp-only, are full-spectrum meaning they contain the whole-plant concentrates, and contain .3% of THC or less- which is well within the legal limit of THC. So, we for example, can sell in all 50 states. Producers in “legal states” can source their CBD from both Hemp and Marijuana and can essentially create varied CBD-based products that either contain low or high THC content. It’s up to each producer what products they create as long as they have a state license. For example,
Whoopi & Maya, a cult favorite brand, is only available in Colorado and California because the THC level is higher than .3%. For the record, I’ve heard wonders about their bath soak for menstrual cramps if you’re in either state…
What is it used for?
I get this question a ton, but can only really share from my own personal experience, our client’s testimonies, and current research studies showing a
multitude of medicinal uses for CBD. As a personal side-note I first used
CBD for my own experience with anxiety and depression, but CBD has also been linked to helping with menstrual cramps,
inflammatory disorders,
pain management,
possessing anti-tumor properties,
treating nausea and vomiting, being a
neuroprotectant, and helping to
combat anxiety and more.
How does it work?
CBD, when ingested, is recognized and works within our body’s
Endocannabinoid System, which was discovered in the 90s (aka: pretty recently considering!). It’s a complex bodily system that essentially is the connection between our mind and body (read: our bodies actually already produces cannabinoids naturally!). The main function of this system is to create and regulate bodily homeostasis and balance, so it’s thought that when we ingest CBD certain receptors are ignited to help aid us in creating this balance.
Will I become dependent?
Another question we get asked a lot. I’m happy to share that the
World Health Organization released an article on CBD’s safety in November of 2017 stating that CBD does not appear to have ‘abuse potential or cause harm’.
How do I source CBD?
Knowing how your CBD is sourced is crucial, especially as the industry continues to grow (and thus becomes tainted by cheaper operating practices). Always make sure that you’re sourcing your CBD products from a company you can trust - one that values transparency. Most credible CBD companies will consistently back up the purity and potency of their products by conducting third-party lab testing and showcasing a commitment to sourcing their hemp from organic-practicing and/or certified organic farmers. It’s important to note that the USDA has just begun to select farms for ‘USDA organic’ labels for Hemp crops just last year. Smaller companies and farmers are still in the process of ensuring the label, which isn’t cheap. We have to remember as consumers that this is a newly-budding industry and it is just getting its footing in regards to regulations. Doing your research is the only way to guarantee credible sourcing.
How do I use it?
The fun part! We tell our clients that the possibilities are truly endless- from tinctures to edibles there’s something for everyone. The easiest way, in my humble opinion, to take CBD oil is to place it directly under your tongue and hold for 15-20 seconds as it gets in our system a little quicker. As I mentioned, CBD won’t make you feel ‘high’, but I’ve personally coined what I like to call the ‘zen shift’ as the best way to describe how CBD helps me. You can also add it to your smoothies, coffee, tea, raw recipes (I personally don’t like to heat CBD too high and treat it like a raw food!), and superfood cocktails (
this one from Goop is perfection). Vaping CBD is another option (I like
Tr ibe Tokes for this) if a tincture/concentrate isn’t your thing. Pro tip: CBD oil contains natural fatty acids so it mixes best with other fats when drinking in a beverage or adding to most recipes. I tend to mix with a high fat-based milk or ghee/coconut oil and blend in a blender for best results. I hope this sheds a little more light on adding CBD to your self-care ritual. For me, CBD is a potential potent and powerful wellness tool to empower health for all, naturally. I have witnessed so many clients share positive results and believe that we can continue to de-stigmatize this industry through shared conversations like this. Also, for any agriculture enthusiasts out there, we’re seeing a resurgence of family farms across the country become revived as Hemp Pilot Programs launch across the country. Fun fact: I’ll be growing hemp on my family’s farm in North Carolina this year under the N.C. Hemp Pilot Program. Make sure to check out your state’s pilot program options if this is something of interest.
Laura White is the Founder of the CBD wellness brand, Soul Addict. Launched in New Orleans early last year, she is now expanding operations to Western North Carolina as she received her license to begin growing hemp for CBD under the Federal Hemp Pilot Program through the N.C. Hemp Commission in December 2017. She continues SA through her mission and passion to educate and de-stigmatize the cannabis industry.