30 Ways To Practice Self-Care On A Budget

Self-care has become such a buzzword that it's almost lost it's meaning. It's become synonymous with spending exorbitant amounts of money on "nice to have products," all in the name of self-love. But self-care doesn’t have to mean breaking the bank. It’s about consistent acts of self-service. For some, that could mean spending $11 on a turmeric latte at Erehwon (whoops), and for others, it could mean getting in a few extra steps in in the morning. And that’s OK. Self-care looks different on everyone. Ultimately, it’s about listening to your body and creating space for yourself. No matter what self-care means to you, there’s one thing we’re certain of: it shouldn’t put you into a financial bind. If you’re on a budget, you’re still worthy of feeling special. And actually, small, daily acts of kindness can go a long way to help manage your general well-being. After reading this timely and thought provoking piece on practicing self-care by Girlboss, we were inspired to create a list of our own. So, without further ado, here’s a list of our 30 favorite ways to practice self-care while on a budget.
- Make your bed.
- Call someone you haven’t talked to in 6 months. Better yet, FaceTime.
- Pick some flowers.
- *Actually* floss.
- Repeat “I’ll be fine” until you believe it.
- Play with clay.
- Pick up that hobby you’re thinking about. (Duolingo, we're looking at you!)
- Trim your hair.
- Throw away expired beauty products.
- Splash cold water on your face.
- Turn off email notifications.
- Better yet, totally silence your phone (including vibration).
- Take a walk during your next phone meeting.
- Wake up 10 minutes earlier, and meditate.
- Donate clothes you haven’t used in 12 months.
- Watch the clouds shape-shift.
- Scream in the shower.
- Write down the negative thought you’re having, and then physically tear it up.
- Articulate 5 things you’re grateful for.
- Boycott social media for *gasp* 36 hours.
- Put on your favorite song, and dance it out.
- Send your favorite song to your favorite person.
- Brew tea.
- Write a haiku.
- Re-organize your room.
- Plant a seed - literally.
- Give yourself an oil massage.
- Make a needed doctor’s appointment.
- Hold a pencil between your teeth.
- Look in the mirror, and smile :)